(250) 486-7094 dave@dpdecks.com

Vinyl Decks

Vinyl Decks

Vinyl decks are a great low maintenance and completely waterproof option for your deck. Whether it’s a brand new deck or re-surfacing an old vinyl deck, we can help create a space that will be safe and durable for years to come. Even though vinyl membranes do not have the long warranties of composite or PVC deck boards, you can expect a durable surface that should last up to fifteen years. As long as there is no water damage to the non-treated framing from accidental surface damage or allowing the membrane wear through after it’s life expectancy, the old membrane can be replaced with a new one without replacing any structure! The completely waterproof advantage that a vinyl membrane over other deck options is the number one selling feature, as creating extra dry outdoor living spaces or storage spaces with deck board options are more expensive. We install a 60mil vinyl product produced by Global Decking that offer a 10-15 year product warranty.

Check Out Some of Our Vinyl Deck Projects